An obsolete Golledge product


Low profile TCXO

  • GTXO-530V was made obsolete in October 1999
  • Find alternative product recommendations here
  • Contact Gollege sales for alternative product recommendations
Product Description

The GTXO-530V TCXO is now obsolete. You can please speak to an expert adviser for more information about this change by contacting our sales team here.

For an alternative 4-pad TCXO with trimmer please consider the GTXO-560V, or for a 6-pad version with trimmer please see the GTXO-566V.

Alternatively if a trimmer is not required we recommend the GTXO-253V for new designs.


New Temperature Controlled Crystal Oscillators


Golledge Electronics introduces new TCXOs to an established range of meticulously designed packages, customised to meet specific design and end-user needs.