Just Released - Golledge Newsletter - June 2022
29 Jun 2022
Our June newsletter features our newest introduction to the GXO-L76 family of ultra high frequency oscillators: the 2.5V GXO-L76J, the announcement of our new Sales Manager, and further information about our in-demand services including cross-referral and instant-access product documentation.
The new GXO-L76J is available up to ultra high frequencies up to 1500MHz with good frequency stability, enable/disable tristate functionality and low phase jitter. You can find out more in our June newsletter or read full product information here.
We're also pleased to announce our Client Solutions Manager Jason Manley has been confirmed as Golledge's new Sales Manager! We're delighted to confirm this appointment and look forward to Jason's further development of our sales team. You can find out more in our newsletter now.