Introducing the GSX-113, Our New 1.2 x 1.0mm Fundamental Mode Crystal
3 Oct 2019
The GSX-113 is the smallest fundamental mode crystal in the marketplace today
The GSX-113 is a significant expansion to our range of fundamental mode crystals to include an ultra-miniature 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.3mm 1210 form factor package.
The GSX-113 is currently available in spot frequencies of 32MHz, 40MHz, 48MHz and 76.8MHz, ideal for wireless communication applications, including tight board stacking and miniature devices. ESR characteristics of the GSX-113 have also been kept to exceptionally low levels in line with chipset industry demands.
This cutting-edge crystal features superb stability characteristics including ±4ppm frequency tolerance, ±10ppm temperature stability over commercial operating temperature range and excellent long term ageing of just ±2ppm over 5 years. The GSX-113 is available with extended operating temperature ranges as wide as -40 to +105°C as required.
Samples of the GSX-113 are available from Q4 2019, if you're looking for a 1.2 x 1.0mm fundamental mode crystal then speak to our team today to request sample development.
Higher frequencies are expected to be developed throughout 2020 and if you're registered to receive our free newsletter then we will keep you updated with the latest GSX-113 updates as they become available. You can register at the top of our news page if you haven't already.